Sunday, July 12, 2009

the difference between giving it my all or giving up.

so ive been searching for a while now. im so close. its crazy.
im afraid to jump for it and take that leap of faith.
im afraid because i dont want to fail at what i decide to stand for.
right now its so easy to be a genuine person, when all i stand for is being genuine. honest. trustworthy. but when i decide to stand for God, thats a lot harder.
i cant. i WILL mess up. i am going to stumble and theres nothing anyone can do about it.
i cant. i cant because im not perfect. i cant because everyone falls short of the glory of God. does anyone follow? i'd have to stand for everything. love. mercy. grace. forgiveness. honesty. faithfulness. justice. etc.
theres so much. and theres just no way thats humanly possible.
i dont want to be a hypocrite. i dont want to show my way of life, mess that up, and appear a liar.
the last thing i want to be is a liar.