Wednesday, January 20, 2010

love, love. love is all you need.

its impossible to love God's creation of humanity without having a genuine relationship with him. you may be able to love some people, but not everyone.

look at the situation of a loving parent and their loved child. no matter what that child does, the parent will always love them. because they are theirs. that child may be disobedient. or rude. or hurtful. whatever. that parent always loves their child.
God loves all creation. no matter how bad they mess up. no matter how mad they may get at God. God will always be there to love on them. all of creation is God's children.

but God also calls us to love one another. everyone. thats totally inexclusive btw (pronounced: bee-tee-dub).

if you dont have the Holy Spirit living in you, then the task of loving everyone is a task of loving more so than God. that is of course, understanding that im limiting Gods love to the familiar love that we know as parental love. but what else can i do but compare?

but thats impossible. God loves everyone because they are all his. for someone to love everyone even though they arent theirs, thats a love higher than God's. which cannot be done.

but. if you have that God (aka Holy Spirit) inside you, the task seems a little more tangible i think. you have the possibility of loving everyone because its God. not you.

not you.

its not about you anyway.

its not about you.