Wednesday, January 11, 2012

no words can express.

6 months. thats how long it took to turn everything ive ever known upside down.
ill save you the details and just say my family fell to pieces.
its all in ruins.
it happened so fast.
how did he win?
its still kinda surreal. that it even happened. to me.
but its not about me.
thats what he wants me to think. oh woo is me.
im not here for me.
this world is not for my pleasure. or my suffering.
i dont give up.
the joy of the Lord is my strength.
it doesnt matter how dark the times get.
ive been through the fire to get where i am.
i will not easily be shaken.
i will not be budged.
i caught myself thinking earlier that i wish i was stronger.
i am strong. here and now. i am strong.

its time to cowboy up.

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